Wednesday 22 August 2012


         If a poll is conducted today on the issue of sex, the response might be low, because the word sound stinky, but the truth is that sex itself is good, apart from the health perspective (the married this time), its brings good companionship. this is the new millennium, things have changed, children given birth to nowadays grow up faster, well as it is well documented that we are in the jet-age, so you should expect babies in the womb to come out earlier than 9 months, may be we would see that some day.
          Times have changed, seasons have passed and a new trend is being pushed out, from the 60's i presume the world as since being experiencing sexual revolution,it is like the world is speed to its end a time in which sex sells, a time in which sex outside marriage is logical, but may not be legal in some context, a time in which sex is very much celebrated and in some places seem as receiving an handshake, and also now its no more a shameful thing to have sex not more a special pleasure for the married couple anymore. It is now more of a trending facility than a pleasure that people should patiently wait for. Can we say that sex as shifted from its original plan for the creature.
         Same sex is more of a celebrity parole, and people are not meant to be ashamed that they have their feelings directed at the wrong "sex", its now more about what you feel, and not what is right, you hear words like "We are not in love anymore",  then why did both of you fall in love before. when you know that you wont both get out together. What more can we then say to these things, there is a way that seems right to man but the end is destruction.